How much does the TEK building system cost?

When considering the cost of a SIPS development, we need to calculate on a number of factors. As every job is different, we price up projects individually and itemise our quotes subject to structural calculations to explain the various costs involved.

The price of the project will depend on:-

  • The area of floors ceilings to the structure.
  • The area m2 of  external walls and roof panels required.172mm
  • The area m2 of internal load bearing walls 142mm panel
  • The roof complexity and cutting schedule to form it.
  • Access to site, the plant and safety equipment (scaffolding) needed to work in a safe and secure environment.

If you have plans you would like to discuss, send them to clixcs and we shall contact you to provide a quotation or answer any further queries about our SIPs projects. 

Project Stage
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